If you are looking to get professional help from credit repair agencies in America, it is best that you do your homework and do a lot of background checking. Doing your research will prevent you from falling into the trap of credit scams that promise you better credit scores, but are actually just after your money. At Credit Advisors Council, we pride ourselves on our expert Credit Repair partners, and can help you to get the professional assistance you need.

Instead of spending on an agency that can help you improve your credit score, you end up losing money simply because you trusted too soon. Millions of Americans are victims of credit repair scams due to lack of information about the company. When intending to put out money in order to address your credit issues, it always pays to find the best and the most reliable.

According to Space Coast Daily, the most well known credit repair companies of 2017 include Lexington Law, Sky Blue Credit, CreditRepair.com, Pyramid Credit Repair, Credit Assistance Network, and The Credit People. Credit Marvel’s top three credit repair companies of 2018 comprised of Lexington Law, Sky Blue Credit, and CreditRepair.com, which is also consistent with that of Space Coast Daily. Coincidentally, companies in this list happen to have some of the largest marketing budgets.

Who is Lexington Law?

Lexington Law is considered one of the largest credit repair company in America with probably one of the biggest marketing budgets and is one of the marketing brands of Progrexion. The company has been around over 26 years helping people improve their credit. Over the years, the company has had millions of negative items removed such as late payments, collections, liens, repossessions, bankruptcy, charge-offs, and judgments from your credit history to mention a few.

The company assists clients by giving them a free case evaluation. After the case evaluation, they start generating dispute letters to all three credit bureaus that include Equifax, Experian, and the TransUnion. Lexington Law then signs you up in an online web interface where you get updates in real time. However, they only select certain items to dispute and they get paid on a monthly basis so longer it takes, the more they are paid.

Who is Sky Blue Credit?

Sky Blue Credit, is a nonprofit organization focused on advancing marketplace trust. Sky Blue Credit is also able to dispute 15 items on your credit report each month. This company is a national credit repair service and helps people throughout the country.

Sky Blue Credit often generates positive reviews from clients who improved their credit scores when they signed up for the company’s services. However, they do not meet face to face with a representative to discuss all your credit problems, your financial goals and solutions.

Who is Creditrepair.com?

CreditRepair.com is a credit repair agency that, like Lexington Law, is a brand of Progrexion. They provide clients with an online dashboard with credit score tracker. Like Lexington Law, they are backed by big marketing budgets and they are one of the most well known credit company brands operating in America. While CreditRepair.com operates similar to Lexington Law and on a similar business model.

However, many consumers prefer to work with a local business and discuss their personal credit problems with a credit and debt professional who can not only provide credit repair and counseling but, also discuss with them debt consolidation, student loan forgiveness, building credit, identity theft concerns and financial literacy.

Start thinking about a debt-free future and a better credit score for you and your family today and visit our local professionals to show you how it can be done in a swift and stress-free manner.

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